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Side Table Art Deco 2225 taupe / gold

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Handcrafted, lacquered table with metal effects, decorative

Side Table Art Deco 2225 black / gold

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Handcrafted, lacquered table with metal effects, decorative

Side Table Art Deco 2025 black / gold

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Handcrafted, lacquered table with metal effects, decorative

Side Table Addison II ash / green

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Unusual design, table legs made of solid wood

Side table / Stool Comfortable 110 turquoise / gold

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practically convertible into table or stool, with mirror glass

Side table / Stool Comfortable 110 red / gold

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practically convertible into table or stool, with mirror glass

Side table / Stool Comfortable 110 light violet / rosé

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practically convertible into table or stool, with mirror glass

Side table / Stool Comfortable 110 dark violet / rosé

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practically convertible into table or stool, with mirror glass

Side Table Morrison 425 plum

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in tray form, easy to clean, tray edge height: 3.2 cm

Side Table Cuboid 125 Beige

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Unusual design, versatile, elegant surface, robust construction